Kolb Web Inc

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Me and Social Media

Still a socially awkward individual, somewhere between a wall flower introvert and a chatty Miss Busybody, the marketing part of being an independently published writer is horrible. Not something to easily ‘just get over.’ When you consider how long my efforts to sell my writing and make it a (Pick One : Career; Profession; Business) that aspect of business knowledge held within my brain and the implementation of said knowledge is poor.

My confidence level has never been strong long enough. (Ask my immediate family and they will concur- I asked and they answered). Various attempts at pushing through have been made as well as some building exercises, some more helpful than others. IT does however matter that despite the confidence wispy washy, my persistence is on point. Stubbornness, might be a better word.

Part of the updating not only includes the online store and website, but the social media as well. So please look for me and the biz on various social media. Way back when at the beginning posts on social media were abundant and regularly scheduled, but that ate up a lot of my writing time, lesson learned. My only plans for the future is try to post somewhere once a week. Currently you can find me on Insta -byjuliekolb;F/bJuliesTimeline; TikTok @2jkolb; Twitter @JdotKolb. (Think I have a Linkedin, too). If you see a post of mine somewhere, could you please share/repost?

Thank you for your help.