Is it Fall yet?
September is my favorite time to do deep cleaning; makes me feel more confident about the holidays and taking advantage of last minute opportunities.. This year instead of getting it all done in the month of September, this annual cleaning will continue until November (maybe even Spring).
There are the '“go”, “stay” and “no clue” piles, with the last being the largest. Slowly each day that last eventually gets sorted into the other two as each room gets completed. (Sometimes an item bounces between all three for several days.) The whole process this year is more frustrating because the process will be extended.
Using breaks as a great opportunity to read some literature that either wasn’t covered in my college classes or didn’t seem to stick with me. Finished reading Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, before the cleaning and it has proved to be less of a struggle as the cleaning but not nearly as enjoyable as last years read.
The story is far shorter than Dostoevsky’s Brothers Kramazov. The Bros is a much longer tome, but the enjoyment of the read was far greater. Have my own thoughts on both but am holding off because there is some reading on Hardy himself that hasn’t been completed yet. But last year’s chosen tome was read with pencil in hand and became a huge reward for effort put in to clean.
Thinking about another book to help motivate me through this unfinished clean out to help me finish.