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Hello 2024!

Several years back during the “Triage Holidays” (Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas), I worked on a dream board for the new year. A motivational tool tweaked from a Brené Brown online course “Gifts of Imperfections.” Most of the time it end up becoming a choice of words or mantras with some modest artwork image to post above my desk, my Facebook cover photo and a self made poster placed where it would be seen first thing in the morning. They all centered on how to better myself and deal with personal baggage.

Way back in the early wedded days ‘Fall Cleaning’ I established as a regular thing. Two sisters who wrote “Sidetrack Home Executives” (published in 1983) promoted Fall Cleaning instead of Spring Cleaning. This seasonal cleaning kills two birds with one stone - a clean house and being preparation for family visits during the holidays (especially for any nosy aunties).

Both of these activities were enjoyable, therapeutic and signaled the year ending for me. Like a lot of things since 2020 the dream board mantras went to the way side and the cleaning became whatever whenever because there was so much more time to clean. Thankfully, time is changing once again. The Fall Cleaning was done. I am still looking for words and images for 2024.

There have been plenty of really beautiful thoughts; definitely a lot of habit focused quotes; and inspiring personal improvement thoughts that I could choose from. Thanks to an overwhelming internal need to push myself, I expect faster progress than any living human is capable of making; that alone is definitely one habit that needs to be kicked to the wayside. Take time to check in with myself should be the first thing I do. Take time to enjoy the beauty around me could improve my perspective. Finding well worded mantra and image proved harder than anticipated.

In the last twelve years my accomplishments didn’t happen according to my dream goal list. Life sent me through some unexpected delays: some very enjoyable ones, some truly challenging, and a few that felt like they stopped everything. Didn’t we all?

I did get me my work organized. Have begun to be accepting of how I work after forcing myself to try suggestions of others. Even though the ways tried did not allow fit my natural pace and routine, I learned why what comes natural to me works. Becoming generous with time to complete a projects really is necessary for me. Accepting realistic time available to work on projects and the amount of work needed on projects haven’t jived with an expected time to completion. That was a hard thing to accept.

I have learned that I will always be learning. That improved skills necessary will help not just complete a project, but improve the project’s end result. A perspective that helps with frustration with myself.

Looking back, I shared with you the past reminders and focus finders I made. Still working on this years. If I don’t have one by time to start for next year, I have wonder if, maybe, I don’t need them any more? Will see come October.