Bunny Jug
Easter is at the end of March this year. It feels at times like 2024 is rushing us along. Not long after Valentine’s Day, Easter candy was in the stores. Seeing that made me think of crafts over the years. I remember making a bunny basket in elementary school.
Our teacher had students bring in washed out plastic gallon milk jugs. We drew a circle or square along the opposite corner of the handle and she helped cut that out. We all got to color bunny heads with floppy ears on paper, cut out and glued to tongue depressors. Sticking one end of the wooden stick into the top opening. She handed out plastic colored grass that we put in the bottom of the bunny jug. Oh, almost forgot the most important part! We got to glue cotton balls all over our jugs. (Wonder what our bus drivers thought about all those lost cotton balls they found on the bus.)
I don’t remember if mine was used for my candy from the Easter Bunny or not. My bunny’s head didn’t stay in the neck of the jug. Not sure enough tongue depressors were used on the head to support it and ears so the stick stuck in the jug was long enough for the head to stay in place. Probably needed four or five instead of the single one I remember.
For better crafts ideas, you can check craft supply stores and producers of common art supplies. Many will send emails ahead of holidays. Happy Easter!
Bunny Jug made from a cleaned empty buttermilk jug.