Ever Fished in a Bowl?
A toilet bowl that is. Me? Yes. For three hundred dollar prescription progressive sunglasses was what I went fishing for, and it wasn’t even in my own bowl. It was a devastating experience. After standing up from using the facilities, the clatter and plunk sound of my sunglasses after they fell out my jacket pocket echoed in the stall and probably the whole restroom.
I turned to look before flushing, you know to see what that was. There they were. And they weren’t my running sunglasses, a pair of cheaply priced off the rack uv protection, you know, the kind that are easily replaced. No, there lay my expensive prescription sunglasses, the ones I use to drive with. It was noon, with more shopping to do, so definitely needed them to drive home.
Without thinking it through and still with the jacket on, my hand instinctively reached down. My fingers grasped the frames. That’s when I realized, probably should have taken the jacket off first. Pulling my hand out to drip over the bowl, that second error became apparent. Hadn’t pulled up my pants up yet before getting my hand and my jacket wet. UGH!
One handed contortion in the tight stall accomplished getting the jeans up and zipped part. Grabbed my bag and parcels from the hook on back of the door with a deep breath of prayer there was no one else in the public bathroom, I fumbled to get the door open. The heels of a woman leaving was the only sign of life besides me. Thank goodness!
A quick check of the other stalls to make sure this was a solo mission, then to the sinks. Safely stashed my packages in the far corner of the counter away from the sink, and check the soap dispenser. It was full! I dropped the glasses in the sink. Then struggled with the jacket. Wet hand and sleeve over the sink, I wiggled out of the jacket keeping the clean part of the jacket on the counter to the side of the sink.
All that remained removing was the hand from the sleeve poised over the sink. Water on, soap filled clean hand, deftly pulled the dirty hand out of the sleeve. The soiled cuff lay in the sink while I scrubbed my hands. Ah, that’s better! More soap in both hands, and my sunglasses were washed, several times. Washing and rinsing a couple more extra times for good measure. These things were going back on my face after all. No room for doubt whether or not they were clean. Two paper towel from the dispenser that seemed to be full, another blessing. One to dry my sunglasses with and the other for the sunglasses to sit on in the dry corner of the counter.
Next up was the cuff and lower sleeve. Already wet, I went above the line of demarkation with soap squirted from the soap dispenser and then down to the hem of the sleeve. This sleeve received several wash/rinse cycles as well. Making sure the sleeve held no foul odor, the sniff test on the sleeve assured me with a strongly scent of dainty perfumed soap, I washed my hands one more time.
Using paper towels to dry my hands and sunglasses before rebagging my items. Several purchases went into a bag together so the jacket was stashed in a shopping bag all by itself to be carried home for a final proper machine washing and drying. I couldn’t believe I had the bathroom to myself the whole time. Out into the glourious sunny afternoon, I put my sunglasses back on and walked away.
So, what have you or would you toilet bowl fish for?