In Writer Years
Between two thousand something and the twenty teens I wrote several blogs. Those were the early ‘baby writer years’. Life and smidgins of collegiate experiences brought about some unexpected awareness, let’s call that next time period the ‘elementary years’. Discovering undeveloped skills in need of attention mixed with an astute gut instinct pointing me toward more study and practice overwhelmed me off course a bit during back then.
Study and practice have become almost mantra like rituals of my life. Funny thing, they always were; my awareness of that fact a happy discovery. Valuing both study and practice eluded me there for a while.
This is my apology to those who have been waiting for more published work from me. Never has there been a sojourn from writing, an immersion in self study and personal writing, and not feeling worthy enough. I had to decide whether or not to share my progress and if so, how much. The answers were not really, and not much.
Knocking out stories on a fast track isn’t my speed. My work ethic is good, but at a slower pace. Facing the likelihood in this digital world people will forget me and move on to more prolific writers, hurt. It also made me question, did I want to stay the course even if it meant never having a reader base?
Well, that was a dumb question to ask myself, because I have answered that many times over and the answer hasn’t changed. I’m still going to write. My imagination enchants me, I love looking for new angles and different perspectives. Publishing them is the most positive thing to do with stories I write, whether or not any one else reads them.
So I am here working. “Working” runs the gamut from research, study, practice and revise — repeating multiple times until the story is ready to share.