Took Time Out To Read
Final review posted to Goodreads on the Salvatore book. Received the book in a Goodreads Giveaway.
“Power Corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Lord Acton.
Fantasy master R. A. Salvatore revisits DemonWars with this first of three adventures on the southern waters. From navigating through and around the political potholes and introducing the protagonists; a born to sail the seas ruling class strategist, a sharp inventive rebel and an honorable brawler helmsman in the early chapters, Salvatore has you ready to dive deep into the world. (The liner pages are your map to the seas you’ll be sailing.) Will the three main characters survive despite the odds against them in a world dominated by a “superior” culture and class? Will they be adversaries or work together? Could any single action or series of piecemeal responses change the world’s status quo? Like the swells of the sea, the story will keep you in suspense and dreading the end of the tale. This intro to the buccaneers performed like a proper appetizer setting me up for the full course meal ahead, looking forward to the next bite of the trilogy arc.
When learned I was a recipient of a giveaway of Salvatore’s latest release Pinquickle’s Folly, it was a rush to finish up all current reads to free up my reading time. Excitedly I read the email aloud to my husband’s amusement; until he learned who the author was.
Then a twinge of jealousy slipped into his eyes. “You like Salvatore?”
“Yes, ever since you loaned me one of his early paperbacks about Dritz.” I was being a little coy. “We have several other tomes by him, I have been adding to the collection.”
“Oh. I hadn’t realized.” He said.
“Yes, and I know he is a favorite of yours, too. I’ll read it as fast as I can.”
A little bravado was evident in his comment about his current read of another author’s series he had to finish first. He paused then countered, “But, maybe I’ll take a break and read Salvatore’s as soon as you get done.”
I finished my other active reads but had another day’s wait for Pinquickle’s Folly’s arrival. Using that time to inform our adult children of my luck. Their response ranged from hearts to exclamation of excitement, and much mad jellies. We are a reading family, prone to discussion and next read suggestions the minute we finish something. (Same goes for music, movies and food.)
I might be reading anywhere from one to four books actively at one time. An assortment of formats -print, digital and audio, all going at the same time, depending. Except when it comes to my favorite authors, several will be given a solo read with nothing else to distract me. Salvatore is one of whose stories no matter my mood or reading convenience makes me anticipate and long for the moment I can return to the tale he has spun. Plotting and planning when I can read some more, even just one more paragraph.
This is a tough review to complete. I didn’t want to spoil anything for my spouse, children, or Salvatore fans; I did want to pique the interest of anyone who hasn’t R.A. Salvatore before. If you are a Fantasy genre fan, surely you know already, but if you are new, or never tried this genre, this is an author you must give a go.
Even though this is from an earlier world, DemonWars Saga, it won’t matter that you have no former knowledge. Pinquickle’s Folly, like all Salvatore’s series will be easy to pick up and start. He is able to pull even the novice into his worlds, without bumming out his ardent followers, a delicate balance of series storytelling he has mastered. Don’t be surprised to find yourself going back to read earlier work between new releases. In our family, his books are keepers.